
Call for papers: Issue 32, March-June 2025


Topic: Thought in educational processes

Deadline for receipt of articles: July 31, 2024

Coordinators: Luis Alfredo Mayoral Gutiérrez & Juan Gerardo Martínez Borrayo – Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico  

***We would like to inform you that, due to the high volume of articles received in recent months, we are currently only accepting submissions on our main subject matter.

Until further notice, we appreciate your understanding and, most importantly, your trust in our journal for publishing your work. Read more about Call for papers: Issue 32, March-June 2025

Current Issue

No. 30 (16): The educational reform and the textbooks in Mexico. July-October 2024
					View No. 30 (16): The educational reform and the textbooks in Mexico. July-October 2024

Since June 2022, the curricular proposal of the New Educational Reform promoted by the government led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been unveiled; this project has ignited the participation of various social sectors. Representatives from the private sector and related organizations, such as Mexicanos Primero (Mexicans First) and Unión Nacional de Padres de Familia (National Parents’ Union), along with members of the academic community, have highlighted various observations regarding the content of this document. Some assessed that there were significant developments, such as the reaffirmation of the role of teachers, while others voiced their concerns about the omission of content form core subjects like mathematics. Furthermore, some have questioned the direction being given to the educational content. The aspect that generated the most controversy was the content of the new textbooks that would be distributed to students in the first days of class.

The journal Diálogos sobre Educación. Temas acuales en investigación educativa proposes to analyze these textbooks and their potential errors within the structure of each book, aligned with the curricular initiative presented by the New Educational Reform (NER). In this context, there is a need to promote a detailed and responsible review of both the stages of the NER and this educational material. Delving into a careful and well-founded understanding of this issue can contribute to improve this teaching proposal and the work of teachers. Hence, the editors of this issue invite the academic community.

Coordinators: Luciano Oropeza Sandoval & María Alicia Peredo Merlo - Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

Published: 2024-06-26

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