Women's history and gender, for what? History teachers problematize their approach





Studies on women and gender currently have an interesting bibliographic corpus; a researched story that has investigated the construction of socio-cultural relations. However, this development in the research field appears in the teaching spaces, in most cases, in an “annexed” way or as a “special class”. Within this framework, the following article intends to problematize the reason for its teaching, through teaching voices of the Teaching Staff in History, of the National University of La Plata (Argentina). The intention is then to delve into the reasons why the teachers of said career decide to include such topics in their Programs and classes. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis we explore the scope and reflections that arise in dialogue with epistemological, historiographic and pedagogical aspects.


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Author Biography

Milagros María Rocha, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Master in Education, researcher and teacher in postgraduate. National University of La Plata. Argentina.


2019-09-02 — Updated on 2021-01-28
