The start of the New Mexican School: early experiences of teachers of General Secondary School no. 40 in Guadalajara




The study analyzes the early experiences of secondary school teachers in the implementation of the curricular proposal of the New Mexican School (NEM). The difficulties that teachers face in implementing the project-based teaching model are documented, within a context that begins with the lack of support material due to the opposition of the authorities of the state of Jalisco to the use of the corresponding textbooks. Methodologically, the study is qualitative and relied on in-depth interviews with teachers of a general secondary school in the municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The results show that the main experiences of teachers revolve around: a hasty and shallow preparation regarding the new pedagogical approaches of the NEM, lack of time for in-depth analysis of said approaches, political aspects that hindered the timely implementation of textbooks, and a lack of understanding of key concepts and work methodologies, among others.


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Author Biography

Felícitas Ramírez Aguilar, Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia para el Magisterio

Doctora en Investigación Educativa Aplicada. Líneas de investigación: Evaluación educativa y Planeación educativa. Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia para el Magisterio (ISIDM). México.


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