Future Peruvian teachers and media education: between debt and hope





This article explores the knowledge and attitudes of Peruvian teachers in initial training regarding media education as a strategy to train citizens competent in the use of ICT. In a context of a global pandemic where we depend on technologies to guarantee the right to education and where flows of information multiply, it is pertinent to discuss the terms on which these ICTs should be incorporated into initial teacher training. In order to know the voice of future teachers, we conducted four focus groups with some of the most important educational institutions in Peru. The results show that teachers are critical of the educational role of media, but also that they are aware of their own shortcomings as professionals to understand, manage, appropriate and integrate them into the classroom, beyond their presence as teaching aids. In that sense, they have little training on ICTs from a sociocultural dimension that goes beyond the instrumental view, and detect the need to incorporate ICTs in their curricula as part of their comprehensive training.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Mateus, Universidad de Lima

Doctor en Comunicación. Líneas de investigación: educación mediática, teorías de la comunicación, culturas digitales. Universidad de Lima. Perú.

Maria-Teresa Quiroz-Velasco, Universidad de Lima

Doctora en Sociología. Líneas de investigación: educación mediática, teorías de la comunicación, culturas digitales. Universidad de Lima. Perú.

