The relationship between positioning and problematization in the written production of postgraduate students


  • María Andrea Vázquez Ahumada Benemérita Universidad de Autónoma de Puebla



problematization – academic discourse – appraisal theory – monoglosia – heteroglossia – positioning


Problematization is a fundamental moment in research work, since it is closely linked to the development of objectives and ultimately to the construction of new knowledge based on the knowledge already extantwithin the discipline in question. This paper suggeststhat a functional problematization is linkedto the way in which novel researchers establish a dialoguewith other voices withinthe discipline, how theyadopt a position aboutthe voices of theothers, andthe type of contrasts they makeamong previous data known aboutthe subject.


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Author Biography

María Andrea Vázquez Ahumada, Benemérita Universidad de Autónoma de Puebla

Profesora Investigadora del Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, "Alfonso Vélez Pliego" de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Líneas de investigación: Análisis del discurso escolar, discurso académico, Discurso de la ciencia escolar, literacidad en la universidad, literacidad de la ciencia.

