Exhaustion, emotional interference, domain of the environment, self-efficacy and engagement of teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic





Teachers have been one of the most affected professionals during the pandemic, as the contingency has challenged them to make important changes in their professional work. This study aims to analyze the association between mental health, psychoeducational and sociodemographic variables in school-level teachers during COVID-19. For this, a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational-causal cross-sectional design was used. The results showed that the teachers presented high levels of emotional exhaustion, half of the time they experienced difficulties in reducing emotional interference, once a week they reported difficulties in dominating the environment and they believe themselves somewhat capable of promoting self-assessment of the study; however, they are frequently engaged; and this engagement is associated with emotional exhaustion, mastery of the environment, self-efficacy, being a woman, as well as the nature of their part-time employment, contributing 26% of the shared variability.


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Author Biographies

Valentina Ramos-Huenteo, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Magíster en Educación. Línea de investigación: Variables de salud mental en comunidades educativas. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Chile.

Fabiola Sáez-Delgado, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Doctora en Psicología. Línea de investigación: Variables de salud mental en comunidades educativas. Académica, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Chile.

Javier Mella-Norambuena, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Magíster en Psicología. Línea de investigación: Variables cognitivas motivacionales de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Docente, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile.

Yaranay López-Angulo, Universidad de Concepción

Doctora en Psicología. Líneas de investigación: Variables cognitivas motivacionales relacionadas con el abandono universitario, psicoeducación y género. Académica, Universidad de Concepción. Chile.


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