The multiple “graphies” of feminist research in education: towards reflexive, inter-sectional and situated methodologies




The article introduces new biographical-narrative research methodologies in education based on the arts from a decolonial feminist approach. A selection of multiple “graphies” characterized by reflexivity, intersectionality and situationality is described, i.e. autobiography, autoethnography, a/r/tography, cartography and corpography. The text covers Viaje (des)bordado, a practical experience of training as a researcher within the context of doctoral studies materialized in a piece of embroidery. Written in the first person, the narrative is structured in three sections, in dialogue with various authors, which serves to: a) rethink subjectivity and academic, vital, social, and ethnic origins to challenge the positionalities that we occupy, b) trace the artistic discoveries, encounters and landscapes of research through the journey that took place, which includes the migratory and learning processes, and c) shift the margins of education and research to the center, starting with the insertion of the body in the research action. The reciprocity between education and research leads to a reinvention of learning, knowledge and the construction of teachers’ identities.


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Author Biographies

Constanza Chamorro Marabolí, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Máster en Métodos para Investigación Social y candidata a Doctora en Estudios de Género: Cultura, Sociedades y Políticas. Investigadora y colaboradora del Grup Educació i Gènere, Implementació de la perspectiva de gènere a la facultat de ciències de l’educació (UAB). Profesora de Educación Diferencial especializada en problemas de Lenguaje y Audición (UMCE). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. España.

Montserrat Rifà Valls, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación, especialista en estudios del currículo, diversidad y educación de las artes visuales. Investigadora del Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Migraciones (CER-MIGRACIONES). Profesora en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. España.


2022-12-21 — Updated on 2023-08-29
