The Reality of Knowledge through Genestesia and the Sense of Transcendence




While the immanent and pragmatic interpretation of reality seems to determine the utilitarian thinking and behavior of our culture, a transcendent vision demands recognition of its perennial relevance. Two views that might seem antagonistic but share, from the space of “Genestesia”, the inalienable attribute of complementarity. The principles of this notion allow us to articulate a dynamics of inclusive perception and potential reality, an awareness of the experience of encountering the holistic sense of the world, as well as the experience of apprehending it. This reflection, developed as an extrapolation of the epistemological dimension of a doctoral research, is based on introspective dialogue between the experience of intuitive perception and that of its retrospective awareness. It is a process in which the stimulus-response brought about by the reading of Lao Tse’s Tao Te King reveals how its ancestral natural or universal sense has been updated through history, while it also facilitates the perception and development of a plural, integrating, free, and liberating vision of transcendent ontologies and traditional epistemologies centered on Being, the other, and otherness.


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Author Biographies

Juvenal Tiberio Corrales Andrade, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Maestro en Educación con campo en Formación Docente. Estudiante del Doctorado en Ciencias Educativas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. México.

Sergio Gerardo Malaga Villegas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Doctor en Ciencias en la especialidad de Investigaciones SIN 1. Educativas. Líneas de investigación: Análisis de políticas públicas en educación (básica, media superior y superior); Interculturalidad y Educación Intercultural. Investigador de Tiempo Completo Titular “C”, Coordinador de Investigación y Posgrado, IIDE-UABC, México.

