The Mapuche relational ontology: insights that might be articulated to school knowledge




This article addresses the relationship between Mapuche knowledge that emerges from and is preserved by family education, supported by the connection that the Mapuche people establish with territory and nature. The article aims to present data collected on Mapuche knowledge associated with the person-nature relationship. The methodology used is a documentary and descriptive review of scientific, normative and national and international dissemination literature, in order to systematize Mapuche knowledge associated with the person-nature relationship developed through the Mapuche relational ontology. Our main results show that the there is Mapuche knowledge that can be incorporated into school education; however, through the school curriculum the State has invalidated, denied or omitted this knowledge, relying instead solely on Eurocentric and Western knowledge. Finally, we offer contributions obtained through this review, in order to enable the incorporation of Mapuche knowledge on the person-nature relationship into school education through dialectic mechanisms between school contents and the knowledge found in the Mapuche relational ontology.


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Author Biographies

Viviana Villarroel Cárdenas, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctorante en Educación. Profesora de Ciencias Naturales y Biología. Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Carlos Sanhueza-Estay, Universidad Austral de Chile

Magister en Historia del Tiempo Presente. Profesor de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Austral de Chile.

Segundo Quintriqueo Millan, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctor en Educación. Profesor titular de la Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

