About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativa is a peer-reviewed digital journal published twice a year, in July and December. Its main aim is to divulge original papers on results of empirical research in education and social science, as well as critical theoretical essays that seek to contribute relevant knowledge for scholars and specialists. We also accept insightful and in-depth book reviews that provide valuable information on recent publications. Diálogos sobre educación adheres to international ethical codes, is reviewed through a double-blind process, and publishes papers in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese. It is affiliated to open access, which makes its articles, essays and reviews available to be read, downloaded, printed, stored or distributed freely under the sole condition of mentioning their original source. It is published by the Department of Studies in Education of the University of Guadalajara in Mexico with funds provided by this public higher education institution.

Peer Review Process

Any article that is received will be submitted to a double-blind evaluation; i.e. it will be peer-reviewed twice, maintaining the anonymity of the author and the reviewer. These reviews are conducted by scholars and specialists with a proven knowledge of the subjects. If either of such reviews is unfavorable, the article will be submitted to a third review. Once an article has obtained two favorable reviews, the author will be given a period of time to attend to the reviewers’ recommendations, after which the article will be sent back to the reviewers for its approval. The estimated time of the evaluation and publication process is 5 months.

In 2016 the magazine has a rejection rate of 45%.

Open Access Policy

Attached to open access, Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativar allow publications to be obtained for free, with the possibility of being printed, saved or distributed freely under the condition of mentioning the original source.

The authors of the texts published in the journal give their rights to the University of Guadalajara by signing a letter of assignment of rights so that the institution can make use of them. Simultaneous publication in self-archiving systems or institutional repositories is not allowed.

Ethical code:

Any article submitted for publication must be accompanied by a document stating that it is an original unpublished paper and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication in another journal. Our board of editors will immediately turn down any paper found to have been published in any kind of support, either digital, electronic or in print. If in the process of evaluation and editing an article is found and proven to be partially or entirely plagiaristic, it will be discarded and its author will be notified and not allowed to publish in the following three issues of the journal. 

Anti-plagiarism software

The received works are exposed to a software that allows to identify the cases and ensure that the articles are original and unpublished. To do this, we use the Turnitin and/or the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program, from which an originality report is obtained.


The journal has an interoperability protocol (OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiatives - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) if any institution is interested in sharing the information that is published, please contact the editor.

Journal History

Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativa es una revista electrónica semestral que apareció por primera vez en el año 2010 con la intención de contribuir al desarrollo de la investigación educativa a través de la difusión de la producción científica. Fue posible concretar el proyecto con un equipo de Profesoras-investigadoras pertenecientes al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y con Perfil PROMEP que fungen como el Comité directivo. Por otra parte, hemos recibido el apoyo de investigadores de reconocido prestigio adscritos a instituciones y organizaciones a nivel nacional e internacional, quienes participan como miembros del Comité editorial de la revista.