This is an outdated version published on 2019-05-27. Read the most recent version.

Production of community knowledge on health and the Guaraní language in children from a rural community in Corrientes, Argentina


  • María Florencia Conde UNNE-CONICET



community knowledge – health – Guaraní – ethnography in collaboration


This article describes the community knowledge on health and the Guarani language which is produced, visualized and validated based on a research project carried out with children and teachers of a rural primary school in the Province of Corrientes, Argentina.

The study follows an ethnographic approach in collaboration with children in which they are considered not only valid interlocutors regarding questions of inquiry, but also producers of knowledge about their communities.

The relationships we identify among the ways of naming, describing and using these local knowledges will be discussed, focusing on those aspects of the production process that emerge and/or are put into debate when they are “recreated” from the school space. Finally, we will analyze what happens when the classroom and the forest become community educational spaces in which other ways of learning, about and in the world we live in will take place.


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Author Biography

María Florencia Conde, UNNE-CONICET

Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación – Becaria Doctoral UNNE–CONICET del Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación - Facultad de Humanidades UNNE, Argentina.


