La in-visibilidad del protagonista del cambio en los procesos de formación docente. Las distancias entre el decir y el hacer


  • María Guadalupe Valdés Dávila ITESO



In the present article presents some considerations with respect to the formation processes that are designed to purpose that teachers develop professional skills that are required in the management of their students’ learning and thus, contribute to the achievement of the educational quality. Even today, it is recognized that the trend of those processes that are geared to train them in the distinctive characteristics of the models focusing on the apprentice that are driven from the educational policy, is characterized by delete symbolically the prior knowledge and experience that as subjects of flesh and blood have acquired in their interaction with their family environment, institutional and social, and to ignore the complex real world where you play. Modifying the thought and action of a teacher to take the desirable traits that are needed for the successful implementation in the classrooms of the new models and approaches derived from political decision, implies in addition to critical reflections, important turning in the formative experiences so that not only are relevant and consistent with the principles themselves that register the discourse of educational change, but adaptable and adjustable to knowledge, in the experience of the teacher and the context where develops his educational practice. 


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Author Biography

María Guadalupe Valdés Dávila, ITESO

Doctora en Educación. Académica del Departamento de Psicología, Educación y Salud en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente.

